Friday, June 5, 2009

More random things about Moi.

1) I aspire to be a Lieutenant in the Kiss Army.

2) I think it's weird that it's o.k. to walk your dog and carry around a bag of poop. It's not o.k. to just walk around with a bag of poop.

3) If I don't have my sketchbook handy, I scribble daily reminders on the palm of my hand. "Note to self: Plaid should not be worn in the wild."

4) I think it's brilliant that when my friend Colin saw his room-mates sashay around their apartment with towels on their heads, he referred to them as "The Love Taliban."

5) I have serious Levophobia. That Beyonce  song, "Everything he owns in a box to the left", scares the beejesus out of me.

6) I have fond memories of riding along in my sister's Gremlin and singing the soundtrack for Grease. "You better shape up, 'cause I need a man, and my heart is set on you."

7) When I first got my learner's permit, I saw the boy's track team running shirtless, and drove my Mom's station wagon over the curb.

8) A very gay Latino boy came up to me at Art School and showed me a drawing of men in compromising positions. "What do you think?" he asked. And I answered, "Well, the proportion of the guy blindfolded and tied to the tree are all wrong."

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